Söö öösel!

Öine söömineMeie keha on programmeeritud öiseks toitumiseks. Kõik meie tegevused, kaasaarvatud toitumine, on kontrollitavad ööpäevaringselt töötava autonoomse närvisüsteemi poolt.

Päeval seab sinu sümpateetiline närvisüsteem (SNS) keha aktiivsesse energiakulutamise režiimi, öösel aga seab sinu parasümpateetiline  närvisüsteem (PSNS) keha energiat täiendavasse, lõdvestusseisundisse.

Vb-olla sellega on seletatav ka islami keeld ramadaani – kevdise paastu – ajal päeval süüa, kusjuures öine söömine pole piiratud.
Päeval söömisest hoidumine ehk puhastab keha.

Nonii, kes viitsib, tõlgib ise edasi

These two parts of your autonomic nervous system complement each other like yin and yang. Your SNS, which is stimulated by fasting and exercise, keeps you alert and active with an increased capacity to resist stress and hunger throughout the day. And your PSNS, which is stimulated by your nightly feeding, makes you relaxed and sleepy, with a better capacity to digest and replenish nutrients throughout the night. This is how your autonomic nervous system operates under normal conditions.

But that system is highly vulnerable to disruption.

If you eat at the wrong time such as when having a large meal during the day, you will mess with your autonomic nervous system; you’ll inhibit your SNS and instead turn on the PSNS which will make you sleepy and fatigued rather than alert and active during the working hours of the day. And instead of spending energy and burning fat, you’ll store energy and gain fat. This is indeed a lose-lose situation. Unfortunately, most IF programs fail to recognize this.

Your Biological Feeding Time is at Night
Kui viicid tõlkida, siis saada tõlge kommentaarina v sakunne@seenior.ee 

Kui viicid tõlkida, siis saada tõlge kommentaarina v sakunne@seenior.ee

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